Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix
Phoenix, Arizona
12,000 Square Feet

On April 17, 2000, a devastating fire completely damaged the interior of this 12,000 square foot church forcing it to close its doors. ADM Group was retained by the Diocese to restore this historic facility.
ADM Group worked with the Parish Committee and parishioners to determine the period of time they desired the restoration to reflect, as many building improvements throughout the decades had left it with a variety of styles. It was determined it would be returned to its original 1928 condition.
The $2,600,000 project included:
restoration of the altar, reredos, stained glass and statuary.
the design of a new baptismal font.
In 2002, ADM Group was awarded the Arizona Heritage Preservation Honor Award for the renovation of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church.
Governor's Honor Award